When you rent out things for repair, you have to ask for a price. Here the client could not pay, and the master offered her to repay the debt $ 500 with her body. That's a good price even for a decent girl. Apparently this thought also came into her pretty head - the gadget is more expensive. Well, when she saw his powerful cock, the remnants of pride completely evaporated. Good decision - clever blonde!
Quality ass lady, nothing to say. And how the buttocks on the dick is working and really cool! That and I just love to fuck in a cradle position such assholes, and if the thin girl gets on my dick, too, do not refuse. But the real pleasure I get only when I grab my hands on the full thighs of a standing upright asshole lady and slowly pull her in the front or anus with pleasure. Of course it's better to do it anal!
And the girl looks good. Knowing she is being filmed by a video camera, she tries to look even more seductive, moaning beautifully. Couples often film sex on camera, and then the man usually shows the film to his friends. This raises his rating as a successful male. Well, the girls, become an object of desire and in the future often agree to have sex with his friends. The front end rules her actions!